Tobsan :: [HTML]

Welcome to my personal wobsite, with a blag and everything. I'm a Swedish software engineer, music game enthusiast, former students' union activist, and free software advocate. I also enjoy playing board games.

  • Candied Chilis

    Every year, I grow a bunch of chili plants, resulting in a lot of chili fruits. Different years, different types, different amount of heat.

  • Rödbetssoppa

    Many years ago, while in university, I was part of the local students’ union group for computer science. We had a traditional video game themed party (or sittning) every year. It was all themed, the...

  • Growing some chili

    I’ve grown fond of growing chilis, but, like many hobbies that have a large male following, people on the internet tend to make things very difficult. Here’s my tips for growing chili recreationally without having...

  • Healing Vision (Angelic Mix)

    I recently managed to score 99.70 on the infamous HVAM. I’ve had a love/hate relationship with this song ever since the days of DS EuroMix 2 that Liseberg had back in 2003.

  • Lovely lady and marriage

    A few years ago I met a lovely lady. Last Saturday, we got married! Didn’t see this one coming, did you?

  • Losing weight

    Since I started university in 2006 until perhaps 3 years ago, I’ve been constantly putting on weight. Mainly because I stopped exercising regularly and because I got worse eating habits. Before, I used to play...

  • Bread, sourdough edition

    As the pandemic rages on, I felt I had to upgrade my self-perceived hipster level by changing from baking bread with regular yeast to baking with sourdough. So far, there are ups and downs, and...

  • Configuring less

    less (1) is a truly great tool for paging text. I use it mainly to read log files and any other text files that I think are too long to cat (1). It...

  • Hello tmux!


    For a long time, my friends and colleagues have been telling me that tmux is so much better than screen, which I used to run for having a persistent IRC client connection back...

  • Making bread

    Ever since the covid-19 pandemic started properly, I’ve been working from home like 98% of the time. A big upside with this is that the time I would normally spend commuting to and from work...

  • How much do cats kill?

    Since mid-march, our cats have been allowed to be outdoors, which is great. They are still young, but their instincts for killing prey are well developed. This made me think of this comic by...

  • Blogging about FOSDEM

    I wrote a blog post on my employer’s blog about my trip to FOSDEM this year. FOSDEM was in February as usual, but I didn’t get around to publishing this until recently.

  • Kodsnack about licenses

    Together with the rest of the guys from foss-north, I participated in the Swedish podcast kodsnack recently, talking about licenses and why copyleft is a good thing.

  • Labgrid on foss-gbg

    Yesterday I gave a talk on the Labgrid framework at foss-gbg.

  • Can I call you a dancin' mastah?

    TL;DR: I bought a DDR arcade about a month ago, and two days later I hurt my foot and I haven’t been able to play ever since.

  • We've moved!

    So, we bought a house. It’s large, has a funny garden and also floor heating in many rooms, super cozy! We also got two kittens (Haskell and Ada), that wreak havoc around the house in...

  • FOSS-North

    Just coming home from the last day of FOSS-North, this year’s event was great but exhausting. I had a more active role this year helping out with keeping schedule, directing visitors etc, but I...

  • Travelling to Peru


  • Learning Spanish through Duolingo

    Since late August, I’ve been learning Spanish through the popular app Duolingo. I’ve tried Duolingo before but didn’t manage to keep using it every day. This time, I’ve had a good motivator; I visited Barcelona...

  • Hitler as a comedian

    I just watched the satirical movie “Er ist wieder da” on Netflix. Hitler is magically transported to the year 2014 and tries to adapt. People meet him and assume he is a comedian just...

  • 90s festival

    Yesterday I went to this years edition of the 90s festival here in Gothenburg. This year’s main act was Scooter, but there were a bunch of other more or less surprising artists performing,...

  • Getting serious with GPG

    For a long time now, I’ve been wanting to get more serious about signing and encrypting e-mails with public keys using GnuPG. I remember doing this as an exercise in a computer security course at...

  • Leaving Pelagicore

    This Friday was my last day at Pelagicore (nowadays Luxoft Sweden), the company I’ve been working at for the last four years. While I maintain it was the right decision to leave, I will...

  • Home from Vietnam

    Just got back from Vietnam. This was the second time I visited the country, and was a huge difference compared to my first visit. Last year, we went to Hoi An, an ancient city in...

  • New Jekyll-based site

    The site got a major re-vamp now that I finally switched to using Jekyll, something I got inspired into doing from my job, where is written using Jekyll.

  • Raspberry Pi Trojan

    This weekend, me and my girlfriend visited her parents, and at the same time, I got to do the usual IT admin work on the Raspberry Pi 3 I set up for her father. Interestingly,...

  • Updated the site

    So it took a while for me to update this when I moved. I replaced the server running this website with serving it through GitHub, and at the same time, the HDD with the actual...

  • Moving in July

    Nice news, me and my girlfriend are moving in together! Rare as they come, I got a contract for a rented apartment here in Gothenburg, through the internal queue that my landlord has. We’ll move...

  • Vacation in Thailand

    The plan to migrate the server was, as usual, shot to pieces by something such as laziness. I’m currently in Thailand for the first time in my life. Air temp is 35 celcius, water temp...


    Last weekend was FOSDEM, a large conference for free and open source software developers. I went there with a couple of colleagues from Pelagicore and we had a great time! Lots of good technical...

  • Happy new year!

    Happy New Year! I have a week off from work this week, and my plan is to migrate all data from this server to the one I bought more than a year ago. Hopefully, I...

  • Lovely Lady and QML

    Two things:

  • Crayfish Party

    Last saturday, I had a traditional Swedish kräftskiva (crayfish party) at my place. We had crayfish, drank nubbe and had a good time!

  • Surströmming

    Today, for the first time in my life, I tried some surströmming with a couple of friends. I must say I’m positively surprised. While it smells truly terrible, the taste was not so bad,...

  • The real world

    Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and...

  • Leaving Portland

    My time in Portland is coming to an end in a week, and it is with somewhat mixed feelings I will leave the US. While I would never really want to live here for various...

  • St Paul's Rodeo

    I were at St Paul’s Rodeo tonight with some colleagues. It was really fun, but at the same time it was really male-dominated, white and so on, which of course had an impact on the...

  • Observations in the USA

    It’s been a while since I updated here. Some things that have happened since last update. I’m currently working on a project at work with a client in the US, which has given me the...

  • Driver's license GET

    Last Monday I got my driver’s license. Funny how things change when your life change. When I was 16, I started to practice for this license, and then after I graduated from high school, I...

  • Server hardware

    It’s been a while since I updated here. I still have plans for a nicer structure of this site, but as most other things, it’s been a dorment project lately. I am however planning to...

  • Watched LOST

    Just watched the last episode of LOST, and let me tell you: don’t do it. If you have not yet watched LOST but are planning to do so, just watch the first season, or maybe...

  • Swish and SPDX

    I recently read an interesting blog post about the banking app Swish. Check it out here. Also, it seems that Swish uses GPL’ed libraries in their app, but they refuse to release the...

  • Markdown time

    I’m working on migrating the content of this page to only using markdown. Currently, I have no pure JS parser for it to HTML, but I’m looking into using Node.js instead of lighttpd, which would...

  • Twitter Translation Team

    I’d like to write some things about crowdsourcing activities. Since 2011, I’ve been part of the moderating team for translating Twitter into Swedish, being part of the very beginning, together with a couple of other...

  • Tram race!

    Yesterday, I went to all the stations in the Gothenburg tram network. It took a total of eight hours, of which approx. one hour was waiting time. I really wish there were more cycles in...

  • Election day tomorrow

    So my thoughts about Happstack are still there, but is not under active development. In other news I just watched the trailer for the upcoming season of the walking dead, and it looks good!

  • Happstack

    I’m just starting to look at Happstack (a Haskell web server framework. Let’s face it, editing the HTML of this site by hand is getting a bit tedious. Writing something in Haskell that is...

  • Adventures with hdparm

    Server is back up after a crash of sorts. Apparently, it is a bad idea to reboot the server that serves you NFS shares while watching some TV series served from said NFS share. The...

  • Boring life update

    Continuum is getting more and more interesting the more I watch. I find it especially cool to see how the view of the corporations vs liber8 glides both between timelines and between people/the police/kiera in...

  • Birthday

    It is my birthday, and I’m now 26 years old. The major change this will have on my life is that I will have to pay full price on the public transport. Other than that,...

  • New job!

    As of this tuesday, I’m now working as a software engineer at Pelagicore, a Gothenburg-based company that creates infotainment software systems for the automotive industry.

  • My Pi Died

    For some reason the raspberry pi that used to power this web page died, and I have not had time to take care of it due to high work load regarding my thesis. I have...

  • Thesis approved!

    Just a short update: my MSc thesis has been approved \o/. If you want to read it, you can download it here

  • Thesis submitted!

    I have submitted my thesis to the department, and is currently waiting for my examiner to approve/reject it. In the mean time, I’m looking for a job, preferrably as a systems developer, so if you...

  • Star Trek: Enterprise

    I just finished watching the last episode of Star Trek: Enterprise, which I must say has been a disappointment, although the last episode was sort of nostalgic. Guess that’s what you get for having to...

  • New homepage design

    New homepage design/style. I’ll also be doing my master’s thesis this spring, implementing a new way of doing syntax highlighting in the text editor Yi.